Arturo Santini

Cesena - Arturo Santini is a farmer and La Cesenate President, a company which produces preserved foods and a partner of the Alce Nero group.
The past of the entire Santini family linked to agriculture: 200 years of history, beginning with a generation of noble landowners who practised sharecropping.
A childhood immersed in the countryside made him an organic farmer first and foremost, and an entrepreneur second. As an entrepreneur, he aims to make his company an example for all those people who want to believe that land and cultures can be transformed.
Products : Sauces, pulps and preserves; organic juices and nectars; baby food; boiled legumes and soups; pestos and pates; plant milks
"We have been bequeathed the land as an inheritance and as such we must pass it on to our children. The land should be preserved, protected as if we were its big brother, because there is a symbiosis within agriculture that exists between the people who cultivate and the land itself. It is our cultural heritage to receive, protect and pass on".
Quote from Cibo Vero, storie di pasione per la terra, Giunti Editore 2012